Hi! I'm Katy — a 3x founder (doormat, MOSS, Seam Social), designer, and avid creative side-quest taker. This year I'm meditating daily, writing many essays, and working on doormat.

Featured: Career Portfolio Podcast, New Forum Podcast, ETH Denver 2023, SXSW 2022, Love on Leverage


Eso TarotFeb 2025Coming Soon
Reply Girls2024 - NowWebsite, Pods, Youtube
The Vice Indexfailed experimentSubstack, Spotify
Design Every Daysfailed experimentZora
Seam Social2021 - 2023Website, App
CookbookETH NY 2023Github
Fitcheck AppVFF 2023App Store
Common WalletClimate Hack x Sozu HausWebsite
Port ProtocolETH CC 2022Devpost
Seam v1Miami Hack Week 2022Devpost
FWB: Featured Friend2020 - 2022Archived
Moss & Friends Podcast2020 - 2021Spotify
MOSS Design Studio2020-2022Acquired